Sales intelligence for builders

Get a complete market report to help you plan your next project or to help you sell your current project.

Key Features

Powerful data to help you make the right decisions for your next residential or plotting project.

Competitor data

See all your competition at a glance, including location, unit sizes, and inventory.

Sales trends

Understand sales trends at your competitors and in the general area.

Compare floorplans

Look at competitor floorplans to get ideas, estimate square footage yields and make sales pitches to your customers.

Custom requests

If you have any other custom requests, we'll do our best to help you.


Reasonable pricing for accurate data.

  • 1 Locality report including a map view of competition.
  • Competitor inventory and sales data.
  • Side by side comparision of comparable floorplans.
  • Side by side comparision of competitor cost sheets.
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