Disclaimers for FTL Reports


This report is based on government data and is for informational purposes only. Users must conduct their own due diligence and seek professional advice before making any property-related decisions.

Data Source

The information provided in this report is based on government-supplied maps and data. While we strive for accuracy, we cannot guarantee that this data is always up-to-date or error-free.

Intended Use

This report is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as a legal document or a substitute for professional legal advice.


While we make every effort to ensure the accuracy of our reports, the complex nature of geographical data and potential changes in property boundaries or regulations may affect the precision of our assessments.

No Guarantee

The information provided does not guarantee the legal status of the property or its compliance with local, state, or national regulations.

User Responsibility

Users of this report are advised to conduct their own due diligence and seek professional advice before making any decisions based on this information.

Liability Limitation

Our company shall not be held liable for any losses, damages, or legal issues arising from the use of this report or any inaccuracies contained therein.

Verification Recommendation

We strongly recommend that users verify the information provided in this report with relevant government authorities and conduct an on-site inspection before making any property-related decisions.

Temporal Nature

The information in this report is accurate as of the date of issuance. Changes in regulations, property boundaries, or environmental conditions after this date may affect the report's applicability.

No Endorsement

This report does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation of any property or real estate transaction.

Scope Limitation

This report only addresses the specific aspect of whether a property is within a lake or its buffer zone. It does not cover other potential issues or restrictions that may affect the property.

Interpretation Disclaimer

The interpretation of "within a lake" or "buffer zone" is based on current government definitions and may be subject to change or varying interpretations by different authorities.

Third-Party Use

This report is intended for use by the purchaser only. Any third-party use of this information is at their own risk, and our company assumes no responsibility for such use.